Why mother’s blood group and hemoglobin level is So important? know this before the child is born.

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By Bangladesh Reports

Why is it important to know the mother's blood group and hemoglobin level before the child is born?

The Hidden Threat During Pregnancy: Blood Group Incompatibility

Imagine you’re pregnant, glowing with excitement about meeting your little one. In this period you have to be very careful. Why mother’s blood group and hemoglobin level is so important? Here’s the answer, It’s called blood group incompatibility, a situation where your blood type and your baby’s don’t quite see eye-to-eye.  Most of us know about blood types like A, B, and O, but there’s another player in the game: the Rh factor. Think of it like a tiny protein tag on your red blood cells. If you have it, you’re Rh-positive, and if not, you’re Rh-negative. Here’s where things get interesting: if you’re Rh-negative and carrying an Rh-positive baby (inherited from dad!), your body might see the baby’s blood cells as invaders.

Hemoglobin and the Power of Iron During Pregnancy

When your hemoglobin dips, it can lead to iron deficiency anemia, which makes you feel tired and weak. This can be especially concerning during pregnancy because your baby needs a steady supply of oxygen to develop properly.

Here’s where things get tricky: low hemoglobin can also increase your risk of excessive bleeding after delivery.  Think of it like having fewer “taxis” available to deliver oxygen and control blood flow.

A Shadow Over Motherhood: When Joy Turns to Heartbreak

Motherhood is not a disease, it’s a normal phase of a woman’s life. But at this stage, sometimes such an unusual situation can arise, in which a mother can be at risk of death. Even in this day of medical advancement, how many fresh lives are lost from the chest of the world due to the complications of pregnancy and childbirth, like the victorious female footballer Razia Sultana!

Young Star’s Light Fades: Story of Lost Potential and Preventable Tragedy

Imagine the crushing blow: the joy of welcoming a newborn child overshadowed by the devastating loss of the mother. Everything was over when Razia was taken to the emergency department of Satkhira Medical College and Hospital. According to the doctor, he died due to excessive bleeding. In medical terms, could only confirm the worst – excessive bleeding, a complication known as Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH), claimed her life. It is known that Razia’s delivery took place at home. Razia’s life would not have ended at the age of 21 if she had been delivered to a medical center or home and then taken to the hospital at the right time. Not only that, it is known through the magazine that Razia did not take any kind of anti-natal checkup or pregnancy checkup during her pregnancy. She said, I only went to the health center once to get vaccinated. I never visited a doctor. Even in the 21st century, this situation is depressing. Bangladesh boasts of great success in reducing maternal mortality. But the news dampens that pride.

Razia Sultana, a successful footballer, disappeared from the chest of the world due to childbirth complications. Here’s What the doctor’s said:

Secretary General of the Obstetric and Gynecological Society of Bangladesh and former head of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Department of Dhaka Medical College Dr. Salma Rauf said in this context, pregnancy can be unpredictable. PPH is the leading cause of maternal mortality worldwide, and the first 24 hours, especially the first 6-8 hours, are the most critical.

In this period a pregnant woman can face any abnormality at any time. But go through the greatest risk during childbirth. Even after delivery, she is not completely risk-free. Postpartum hemorrhage is the leading cause of maternal mortality in Bangladesh and the entire world. The risk of death from hemorrhagic complications is very high in the first 24 hours after delivery. Especially the first six-eight hours are very dangerous. Even after a completely normal delivery, the mother’s life can be at risk due to post-natal complications.

It is not possible to predict in advance who is at risk of post-partum complications and who is not. About 85 percent of mothers who experience excessive postpartum bleeding have no preexisting complications, said Professor Salma Rauf. Every mother has some bleeding after delivery, which is normal. However it is difficult for a mother and her family to understand how much bleeding is normal or if any physical symptoms indicate excessive bleeding. Therefore, he emphasized that every delivery should take place in a medical center and not at home.

But The Shocking Matter is:

it’s almost impossible to predict who might experience PPH.  About 85% of mothers with excessive bleeding have no prior warning signs. That’s where a medical superhero steps in: a skilled doctor or midwife at a medical facility.  They can monitor bleeding and act quickly if PPH occurs. This “golden window” after delivery can be the difference between life and death.

The bottom line? Delivering in a medical center isn’t just about comfort – it’s about having a team of superheroes ready to protect both mom and baby during this critical time.

What could be done?

If there is excessive bleeding, there is nothing to do at home. Hospitals require trained manpower to handle critical situations. In case of excessive bleeding, blood transfusion is also required urgently. That is, then the blood donor is sought. So you have to know the mother’s blood group in advance. It is necessary to arrange at least two blood donors who can rush in time of emergency. Remember, a mother remains at risk of excessive bleeding for up to six weeks after delivery.

Professor Salma Rauf said another important aspect. If the hemoglobin level in the mother’s blood is already low, then even moderate bleeding can have serious effects on the mother’s body. Therefore, mother’s hemoglobin level should be known in advance. Knowing the mother’s blood group and hemoglobin levels and other preparations should be done before delivery, and this requires antenatal care. According to World Health Organization guidelines, a mother should visit a health center at least four times for a physical examination during pregnancy. Whether the mother has any physical problem or not, how complicated it is, whether there is a risk of the unborn child having any problem or not—all this is known at this time. Apart from this, before conception, a woman should consult a doctor whether she is physically and mentally fit for pregnancy. A woman should be aware of so many things, the family should also know. Pregnancy is too common to be ignored.

Breaking the Cycle of Preventable Deaths

According to research, In Bangladesh, 156 women per lakh (100,000) still lose their lives due to childbirth complications (Bangladesh Sample Vital Statistics 2022). Shockingly, two-thirds of these deaths are attributed to postpartum hemorrhage (PPH). For mothers experiencing PPH, the first hour is critical – the “golden hour.” Sadly, like Razia Sultana, many reach medical care too late.

Even after decades, the narrative remains unchanged – women giving birth, a natural and joyous event, turning into a tragedy. by being careful these deaths are often preventable. Imagine a world where a little more awareness, a timely visit to a doctor, or immediate access to proper medical facilities could rewrite these endings. Imagine a world where mothers, like Razia, don’t disappear from the world just for giving birth.

Let’s work towards a future where motherhood is celebrated, not shrouded in the fear of the unknown. Follow Bangladesh Reports and Make Changes that Matters.

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